We are a company committed to the preservation and restoration of ecosystems, implementing rigorous methodologies and in-depth expertise. Our goal is to reconcile human activities with environmental protection, ensuring the safeguarding of wetlands and sustainable management of natural resources.
The methodology we employ to identify and delineate wetlands is based on the ministerial decree of June 24, 2008, modified in accordance with articles L.214-7-1 and R.211-108 of the Environmental Code. A zone is considered wetland when it exhibits one of the following characteristics:
We conduct soil surveys and collaborate with preferred partners to conduct floristic expertise. The pedological criterion used to define a wetland is evaluated through the execution of pedological boreholes to a depth of 1.20 meters using a hand auger or another appropriate means, distributed throughout the entire project area. These boreholes allow the extraction of soil cores that are subsequently examined.
The objective of the wetland functionality study is to define the functions and environmental issues associated with the destroyed wetland. We apply the National Methodology Guide for Assessing Wetland Functions (June 2016, OFB). The OFB method sets the framework for a study divided into three phases:
Ecological studies are generally required for projects subject to the regulations of the Environmental Code: pre-ecological study for requests for case-by-case examination, four-season Fauna Flora Habitat study for the initial state of the environment in an impact assessment or environmental impact study, ecological expertise for applications for derogation for the destruction of protected species... In the context of conducting these ecological studies, we support our clients by performing the following tasks:
A Multi-Year Restoration and Maintenance Plan (PPRE) is a tool for planning the actions to be implemented for comprehensive, sustainable, and rational management of watercourses.
The PPRE is part of an overall perspective aimed at achieving the good ecological status or potential of water bodies defined in the Water Framework Directive (WFD) 2000/60/EC of October 23, 2000, and implemented in the Water Management and Development Plan (SDAGE).
The PPRE is implemented within the framework of a Declaration of General Interest (DIG) procedure that authorizes local authorities to invest public funds in private parcels, in accordance with Article L.215-15 of the Environmental Code.
The interventions of the PPRE are motivated, in particular, by a necessity and/or a deficit in the hydrodynamic quality of the watercourse.
Grand Cavin Project in Marly (59):
Wetland DiagnosisSite of 120 hectaresPedological criteria (156 pedological boreholes)
Real estate project in Radinghem-en-Weppes (59):
Wetland DiagnosisSite of 3.3 hectaresPedological criteria (11 pedological boreholes) and ecological criteria
Cappelle-la-Grande Barreau Development Project (59):
Wetland Functionality Assessment Site of 57 hectares, including 7.25 hectares of wetlands, of which 1.33 hectares will be destroyed. A compensation of 7.75 hectares of wetlands on-site has been studied.
Development of a cycling route La Ferté-Milon / Villers-Cotterêts / Palesne:
As part of the cycling route development project, ixsane has undertaken two support missions: the development of Calls for Tender (CFT) for the realization of an ecological inventory of fauna/flora/habitat and the characterization of wetland areas, as well as monitoring the studies produced - the development of CFT for the realization of the impact study, analysis of offers, and monitoring of the studies produced.
Exterior development project of the Hélène Borel Center in Raimbeaucourt (59):
Development of Calls for Tender (CFT), analysis of offers, and monitoring of the studies produced by the ecology consulting firm.
Update of the Restoration and Maintenance Plan for the canals of Calaisis:
The study covered 45 km of canals (Ardres Canal, Audruicq Canal, Calais Canal, and Guînes Canal) and 16 municipalities. Three study phases were conducted: an initial phase of inventory, assessment, and diagnosis; a second phase of defining challenges and objectives; and a third phase of developing an ecological management plan, estimating costs, and proposing monitoring indicators.
Management plan for the Rhonelle, Hogneau, Aunelle, and other watercourses within the territory of Valenciennes Métropole:
The study covered a linear distance of 90 km. Five study phases were conducted: assessment and diagnosis of the entire hydrographic network, development of an orientation document on management challenges and objectives, drafting of a multi-year ecological maintenance program and a multi-year restoration and ecological development program, preparation of the Declaration of General Interest (DIG), and project management for river intervention works.
Restoration and Maintenance Plan for the upstream Lys, Laquette, and their tributaries:
The study covered a linear distance of 116 km. Three study phases were conducted: assessment and diagnostic of the network, development of the restoration and maintenance plan, and preparation of regulatory documents (Water Law dossier and Declaration of General Interest - DIG).