Welcome to the world of the circular economy, an innovative approach that fundamentally rethinks how we produce, consume, and manage resources. Faced with the scarcity of natural resources and the environmental challenges we encounter, the circular economy offers a promising vision for building a sustainable future.
The circular economy aims to break away from the traditional linear model of "take, make, dispose" in favor of a system where resources are used efficiently and sustainably. Its main objective is to minimize waste, preserve natural resources, and create loops of reuse and regeneration.
The scarcity of certain resources and the energy transition are prompting all economic sectors to adopt integrated solutions within a circular economy framework. Our INNOVATION and ENGINEERING divisions are committed to these challenges and have acquired expertise in the valorization of materials derived from port and watercourse management, quarries, and industrial activities. We apply proven methodologies and guidelines (such as the SEDIMATERIAUX approach, SETRA guide) or develop specific protocols for the valorization of by-products or non-hazardous waste.
ixsane offers comprehensive support to assist businesses and communities in effectively and sustainably valorizing their materials, by-products, or waste. The involvement of our experts and our solid technical and scientific experience enables us to identify materials to be valorized within a circular economy framework and implement appropriate technical solutions for the creation of sustainable circular economy loops. ixsane provides services ranging from feasibility studies to the implementation of industrial pilots, supporting our clients in the implementation of their circular economy strategy.
For each project, we assemble a customized team that may include experts from partner research centers or those recommended by our clients. We conduct and coordinate technical, environmental, and economic feasibility studies necessary for the emergence of new circular economy loops. This includes:
To advance the Circular Economy and promote the reuse of degraded soils or materials in high-value applications, we expedite and optimize the formulation of new materials using algorithms and Artificial Intelligence. These algorithms, developed for our clients or utilized internally, minimize unnecessary trials, optimize recycling rates, and enhance the performance of new materials.
New innovative solutions for sediment valorization
Dehydrated fine sediments at the output of our pilot unit
Experimental panel of sediment concrete / civil engineering materials exposed for 1 year under natural conditions (our mobile pilots for environmental safety validation and certifications)
Wall constructed using marine sediments
Context and Project objective :
Flood and erosion risk management actions requires large amount of raw material while sediment manager have to deal with large excess of sediment.
SURICATES project aims to make ambitious sediment reuse projects possible in Europe for flood and erosion protection.
To do this, new solutions to increase fine sediment reuse in coastal & erosion protection markets will be implemented and experimented for roll-out:
· Sediment reallocation within the system
· Bio-engineering with sediment
· Sediment as a pozzolanic material to strength sediment
· Sediment reuse in concrete
· Dike or Bund with made with sediment
Territorial global cost and benefits optimisation focused tested in South or Ireland and Britany (France).
ixsane contributions :
· Setting up a pilot equipment to speed up sediment dehydration to easy operational sediment reuse
· Evaluation of economic/environmental direct and indirect local costs and benefits of sediment reuse projects
· Sediment reuse demonstration & Environmental monitoring
· WP leader
Partnership :
· Irland: MTU (ex CIT), UCC
· United Kingdom: UoS, Scottish Canals
· France: ULille, BRGM, IMT Lille Douai, Armines, ixsane, TEAM2, EPTB Rance Frémur
· Netherlands: Port of Rotterdam, Deltares
Project Budget :
SURICATES Project is funded through the INTERREG NWE programme and the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF).
· Project Total Budget: 8,01M€
· EU Funding: 4,8M€
Start of the project: 2017
End of the project: 2023
New solutions for the valorization of materials from brownfield sites
Improvement of soil fertility: Laboratory-scale experiments
Production of bio-based catalysts
Context and Project objective:
Metal working industry represents 13 % of Potential Contaminated Sites (PCS) in the EU. While recent metallic waste streams are usually treated, older waste (aggregated material with high ferrous metal content, scrap, other metals, white and black slags and other streams) are considered as a source of pollution, expensive to manage/eliminate.
NWE-REGENERATIS aims to transform this problem into an opportunity, as large volumes of resources can be recovered by urban-mining.
To do this, the NWE-REGENERATIS project aims to test and implement on 3 sites new methodologies and innovative technical approach for new economic models for resource recovery from former metallurgical sites and deposits.
This includes a site inventory structure adapted to the objective of material recovery and the use of Artificial Intelligence algorithms as decision support, potential studies by geophysical techniques, innovative material recovery techniques uses and synthesis of catalysts from plants planted on contaminated sites.
IXSANE contributions:
· Improvement of contaminated sites diagnostics methods with resource oriented investigation
· Improving soil fertility
· Production of eco-catalyst from vegetal growing on contaminated sites in partnership with JUNIA
· Artificial intelligence to strengthen decision for site management
Belgium : Société Publique d'Aide à la Qualité de l'Environnement (SPAQUE), Centre Technologique International de la Terre et de la Pierre (CTP), Université de Liège, OVAM, ATRASOL, DUFERCO
United Kingdom : Materials Processing Institute (MPI), Cranfield University
France : BRGM, ixsane, TEAM2, JUNIA
Germany : Technische Hochschule Köln, Bergischer Abfallwirtschaftsverbnd (BAV)
Project Budget :
NWE-REGENERATIS Project is funded through the INTERREG NWE programme and the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF).
· Total budget ERDF: € 4.26 million
· Total budget: € 7.10 million
Start of the project: 2019
End of the project: 2023